Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Tugas Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar 3


Film World War Z  atau perang dunia Z (Zombie) berceritakan seluruh dunia mendadak terserang virus yang tidak dikenal menyebar dengan luar biasa cepat. "World War Z" adalah film bergenre Action, Adventure, dan Horror yang dirilis tanggal 21 Juni 2013. Disutradarai oleh Marc Forster serta dibintangi oleh Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, dan Daniella Kertesz. Organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO) telah melacak wabah rabies yang dimulai dari negara taiwan dan kini sudah dilaporkan melebihi dari 12 negara. Bahkan virus tersebut sudah menyebar di kota new jersey. Dr. Fassbach merupakan dokter ahli virus, ia menanggap bahwa virus yang tidak di kenal  bernama flu spanyol. Dimana penyakit tersebut sudah lama tidak terdengar lagi.

Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) merupakan mantan anggota PBB.  Dirinya telah pensiun dan hidup bersama istrinya Karen (Mireille Enos) dengan dua putrinya bernama Rachel (Abigail Hargrove) dan Constance (Sterling Jerins). Namun, dia ditugaskan  kembali oleh PBB untuk berkeliling dunia untuk menyelidiki apa yang menjadi penyebabnya dan menemukan penangkalnya dari virus yang tidak di kenal. Tugasnya yaitu mendampingi dokter muda ahli virus mencari obat di Korea. Sayangnya pesawat kehabisan bensin dan mendarat disebuah pangkalan udara untuk mengisi bensin. Sayangnya sang dokter ceroboh dan kepleset sehingga pistol yang dibawanya menembak dirinya sendiri dan akhirnya tewas. Karena sudah tidak ada lagi yang bisa dikerjakan.

Gerry berusaha mendapatkan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya tentang virus yang bernama Zombi. Alhasil didapat informasi mengenai seseorang di Israel, berangkatlah mereka ke sana. Israel ternyata sudah memprediksi akan adanya Zombi sehingga dibangunlah tembok sebagai benteng mengelilingi negara tersebut. Tak disangka ternyata Zombi dapat memanjat tembok dan berhasil masuk ke Isarel dan mengakibatkan kehancuran.

Gerry ditemani oleh Segen (Daniella Kertesz) seorang wanita tentara Israel berhasil lolos dengan menumpang pesawat penumpang umum. Ternyata ada Zombie yang menyusup di dalam pesawat terbang sehingga terjadi kekacauan diudara. Gerry memutuskan untuk mengebom mereka dengan resiko pesawat hancur dan jatuh ke bumi. Untunglah Gerry dan Segen selamat serta bisa mencapai ke sebuah gedung pusat penelitian PBB.

Gerry mempunyai ide bagaimana kalau menggunakan virus untuk melawan virus sebagai kamuflase. Artinya virus tidak akan menyerang sebuah inang yang sudah tercemar virus. Sebelumnya dia mengamati bahwa ada orang-orang yang tidak diserang oleh Zombi yaitu orang yang sakit atau lemah. Hal itu masih mempunyai kendala karena siapa yang mau jadi bahan percobaan yang harus berhadapan dengan Zombi langsung. Kendala lain yaitu botol-botol virus disimpan di gedung sebelah yang berisi Zombi. Mau tak mau harus mengambil botol tersebut. Gerry berhasil menemukan ruangan penyimpan botol-botol virus. Sayangnya Gerry terjebak dalam ruangan karena ada Zombi yang sudah menunggu di pintu keluar.

Gerry memutuskan dirinya sendiri sebagai kelinci percobaan dengan menyuntikkan virus sehingga dirinya menjadi sakit. Benar, Zombi tidak bisa mendeteksi keberadaan Gerry. Percobaan berhasil. Akhirnya PBB memproduksi vaksin-vaksin itu yang digunakan sebagai kamuflase tetapi bukan sebagai obat untuk menyembuhkan Zombi. Vaksin-vaksin digunakan oleh manusia yang masih hidup untuk mempertahankan diri atau untuk melawan Zombi. Vaksin yang digunakan terdiri dari jenis kuman meningitis yang dikombinasikan dengan komponen dari virus cacar air dan virus H1N1.

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

Tugas Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar 2


Menurut pendapat saya film The Core salah satu  film misi penyelamatan bumi yang di garap sutradara Jon Amiel. Kisah berawal dari seorang ahli geofisika bernama Dr. Josh Keyes menemukan bahwa suatu kekuatan yang tak diketahui telah menyebabkan inti dalam bumi berhenti berotasi hingga medan elektromagnetik (medan energi yang terdiri dari listrik dan magnet) bumi pun dengan cepat memburuk. Berbagai bencana pun mulai bermunculan di muka bumi. Hal tersebut dapat mengakibatkan fenomena yang langka bermunculan, mulai dari 32 orang meninggal dunia secara bersamaan, lalu burung-burung ditengah kota mati mendadak dan merusak kota, sehingga daerah perkotaan tidak kondusif. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, Dr. Josh bersama satu tim yang terdiri atas beberapa ilmuwan terbaik dunia bergerak turun mendekati inti bumi. Tujuan mereka adalah memasang alat nuklir yang akan membuat bumi bisa berotasi lagi

Tim yang ditugaskan untuk misi ke dalam perut Bumi ini terdiri dari Dr Josh Keyes, Komandan Iverson, Dr Conrad Zimsky (ilmuwan geofisika yang arogan), Dr Ed Brazzelton (ilmuwan pembuat pesawatnya, yang akhirnya dinamakan virgil) , ahli senjata atom asal Perancis, Dr Sergei Leveque, dan satu-satunya perempuan yaitu Mayor Rebecca Childs yang multitalenta. Misi menembus perut Bumi ini juga didukung oleh seorang spesialis komputer yang biasa dipanggil Rat. Satu demi satu anggota misi ini pun kehilangan nyawa. Hanya tersisa dua orang anggota yang masih hidup dari misi tersebut yaitu Dr. Josh Keyes dan Mayor Rebecca Childs. Mereka selamat dari misi tersebut berkat material Unobtanium yang berada di komponen kapal virgil tersebut yang berfungsi menyerap panas dan tekanan yang akan  mengubahnya menjadi energi, sehingga mereka dapat kembali ke permukaan bumi dengan selamat. 

          Beberapa hal yang aneh dari  permasalahan tersebut tentunya bagaimana cara manusia bisa menuju ke inti bumi. Namun ada lagi yang membuat saya bingung. Pertama adalah bagaimana mereka bisa melakukan kontak radio dari kedalaman bumi. Selanjutnya adalah bagaimana orang-orang yang minim keterampilan ini mampu bertahan di suhu ribuan derajat celcius hanya dengan kostum angkasa daur ulang. Saya juga meragukan  pesawat virgil yang di buat oleh Dr Ed Brazzelt yang dapat menembus sampai inti bumi, karena inti bumi panasnya saja sampai 6000 derajat celcius sama dengan panasnya permukaan matahari dilakukan gabungan peneliti dari CEA, organisasi riset teknologi nasional Perancis, National Center for Scientific Research (CNSR) Prancis, dan European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).  


Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Tugas Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar 1A

What goes on inside a black hole


Ever wanted to peek inside a black hole, even if just in theory? Kip Thorne, the physicist behind "Interstellar" and "Contact," takes us on a headlong dive into space-time exotica.

DW: What happens inside a black hole?
Kip Thorne: What we [physicists] know is this: There are three singularities inside a black hole. We didn't know that until recent years.
One of them is very violent, very lethal. It's a singularity in which there's a chaotic oscillation of the stretching and squeezing of space, what we call tidal force (like the forces by which the moon raises the tide on the earth's oceans). And this chaotic stretching and squeezing will take your body as you approach that singularity. And it will stretch your body in one direction, while squeezing it in two other directions briefly. And then it will stretch in one of those other [directions] and squeeze in two directions - briefly.
More recently, it's been discovered that there are two other singularities.
One of them, that I like to call an in-falling singularity, is understandable in this way: If you fall into a black hole in order to experience the singularities, everything that falls in after you over the entire life of the universe is seen by you. It's coming down at you behind you very rapidly ... And because of the compression of time inside a black hole, what falls in after you and over billions of years comes down on you in a fraction of a second - and in a sheet of energy that you don't want to encounter.
Then there is the up-flying singularity. That was discovered just a couple of years ago. And this is caused by all the stuff that fell into the black hole before you did. Some of it, just a tiny fraction, is scattered back at you. And that is probably the most gentle of the singularities. So if you are going to encounter a singularity, that's what you should encounter. And that is the singularity that the character Cooper encounters in the movie "Interstellar."
What about cosmic censorship, which states that scientists will never look through the horizon of a black hole...
Cosmic censorship says that all singularities - places where gravity becomes infinitely strong - occur only inside black holes (except the big bang singularity when the universe was born). So at least we can have some hope of studying the birth of the universe, that one kind of singularity.
I hope that cosmic censorship is wrong. But at the present all the evidence we have suggests that it's correct.
If you could ask an omniscient alien just one question, what would it be?
I'd like to know the laws of quantum gravity - the laws that are more fundamental than any other set of physical laws that we're aware of. They, in some cases, should arise from a marriage or unification of quantum physics with Einstein's relativity physics.
Quantum physics - with random fluctuations - is occurring all the time, everywhere, on small scales.
And relativity describes the warping of time and space, usually on very large scales.
If I knew these laws, then I could use them to answer questions like: How was the universe created? Where did it come from? What happens inside a black hole? Can I make a time machine to get backwards in time? By finding these ultimate laws, I can answer the deepest questions that we know about the universe.
Astro- and particle physicists are in the midst of something of a golden age. At CERN, they're looking for hints of new physics, like extra dimensions. What could we learn from that?
That would be just wonderful if they find evidence of that. That would be tremendously important for fundamental physics. The extra dimensions are predicted to exist by string theory, but we don't know whether their properties are such that they would produce the phenomena that you would see there at CERN. You have to have one large extra dimension so that the size is basically macroscopic at a scale of like a millimeter or so - or larger than that. For CERN to be able to see science, you have to have a big extra dimension. And if that is seen, it would have a huge impact on our understanding of the laws of nature.
Kip Thorne Südkorea Pressekonferenz Seoul
Kip Thorne at a press conference in South Korea
How have these exotic things changed your view on everyday life?
It helps me to understand the powers of science, the limitations of science. It's helped me to understand how ideas that may be speculation, or either disproved by science, or become truth, firm up as we get more information ... [I]f you look at the problems a society faces, there is no question that global warming is truth - and that humans are responsible for a significant part of it. That was once speculation; it is now absolute truth. And I only wish that politicians, particularly in my country, understood science to the point that they would accept what science really says about global warming.
In the movie "Interstellar" there is an extremely lethal blight that is unlike any pathogens we've ever seen. But it's one that could exist, as my biologist friends tell me. It's one that is extremely lethal, and it jumps from one species of plant to another, to another - and ultimately decimates all the crops that humans rely on.
We have seen examples of biological organisms that have wreaked enormous havoc on the human race: the plague in the Middle Ages, and the AIDS virus, more recently. And much worse things could be in store for us in the future. If you don't believe in evolution, you can't deal with things like that.
Theoretical physicist Kip Thorne is one of the leading experts on the universe's most exotic phenomena: black holes, singularities, time travel, wormholes. He worked as scientific consultant in the sci-fi film "Interstellar."

Tugas Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar 1B

Despite partial disclosure, Europe's UFO files remain mostly under wraps


In the two years since the French made their top-secret UFO files public, more European nations have declassified documents. But the majority remain tight-lipped with a few refusing to even acknowledge the phenomenon.
A photo from an alleged UFO sighting in the UK, 1954
The declassified files have revealed many previously unknown cases
On August 4, 1990, an unidentified flying object was seen hovering in daylight near the town of Pitlochry in Scotland. Eyewitnesses stated that the diamond shaped object hung in the sky for about 10 minutes as two military aircraft made a series of low-level passes near it.
Almost three weeks later on August 24, hundreds of tourists and local residents observed formations of luminous spheres for over 30 minutes in the sky near the German city of Greifswald, located close to the coast of the Baltic Sea.
In November of that year, a triangular object was seen by numerous witnesses passing over Saint-Germain in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France. The object moved slowly at low altitude and emitted beams of light towards the ground before eventually speeding away.
All three events have many common factors, most notably that each one remains unexplained to this day. But one - the Greifswald incident - is the odd one out. This is because official documentation on the Pitlochry and Saint-Germain sightings collected by British and French governmental agencies are now available to the public after France and the UK took decisions to open up their UFO files.
Some of the truth is out there
The British and French governments are among a select few in Europe to have declassified previously top secret files and experts believe that, while they may currently be in the minority in revealing their documents, they are certainly not alone in having recorded sightings.

The Federal Archive in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart
Germany refuses to say whether it has any UFO files
"The French released their UFO files through their space agency in 2007, Britain is mid-way through a 3-4 year program of revealing theirs under the Freedom of Information Act, while the Norwegians and the Danes have already released some files as have the Italians," Nick Pope, a former investigator of UFO reports and sightings with the British MoD and an expert on the topic, told Deutsche Welle. "The UFO phenomenon is a global phenomenon; there are unquestionably sightings all around the world so all European countries will certainly have had UFO sightings."
Germany is one of the many European countries which have not declassified their UFO files. In fact, the German government refuses to even admit that it has any UFO files despite the fact that independent organizations record, on average, between 50 and 100 sightings a year in the skies over Germany.

Germany among those remaining silent on UFO phenomena
"Germany has a high level of UFO sightings," Robert Fleischer, the coordinator for the German Initiative for Exopolitics, told Deutsche Welle.
He said that, since 1974, over 500 so-called "real" UFO cases - reported sightings that, after careful consideration by specialized experts, cannot be related to any conventional information - have been recorded.

"However, there has never been any official recognition by the German government relating to UFOs or UFO activity," Fleischer added. "So if the Germans were to open any files relating to UFOs, all we would find out is that they pass all their information to the Americans."

Most UFO cases reported over Germany were only revealed when US files were made public. Germany's lack of UFO research is possibly due to the fact that "the US assumed that role after the end of World War II, although the Germans have never officially acknowledged this or any interest in UFOs," he said.

European governments aware of unexplained sightings
So what do the files made public by the likes of France and Britain actually tell the public about the UFO phenomenon in Europe?
UFO, alien
The files don't claim to have proof of extra-terrestrial life
"What these files don't say is almost more important than what they do say," said Nick Pope. "What they don't say is that we have proof that any of these things are extra-terrestrial. What they do say is that European governments have consistently had these things reported to them, sometimes by reliable witnesses such as police officers and pilots."
Most of the sightings turn out to have conventional explanations, like the misidentification of all kinds of aeronautical and astronomical phenomena, but most European governments which have conducted investigations have found that about five percent of the cases cannot be explained, added Pope.

While neither Nick Pope nor Robert Fleischer could guarantee that the initial European declassifications would eventually pressure all EU governments into opening their files, they both agreed that the revelations made public by those countries willing to divulge information could only improve research into a phenomenon that they believe is an issue for every nation. Partial declassification giving subject more credibility

"I think this disclosure will lead to a greater understanding of the UFO phenomenon," said Pope. "The release of these files shows that governments do have information and if they liaise with each other, we may get further down the line to explaining this mystery because they all have a little piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately liaison is not common in this field."
However, the declassification may be discrediting some common UFO myths and lend credibility to sighting claims.

"When you read about sightings in governmental files from all around Europe with testimonies from military pilots, commercial airline pilots, and radar reports which show these things performing maneuvers and speeds that are way beyond our capabilities, it changes the nature of the debate from an underground anomaly to a mainstream issue," said Pope,"and that has to be a good thing."

Author: Nick Amies
Editor: Kate Bowen